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June 30 - October 14, 2018

Throughout my thirty years of abstract humming, the nail never failed me. Anchored only by its form and materiality, I revelled in the nail’s infinite possibilities. However, further erosion in our governments already limited empathy has demanded that I move from the realm of pure abstraction to one of allegorical realism. I am now compelled to create with a new voice, one that summons the utilitarian associations of the nail with new vigor and responds to the world outside of myself, pointedly and with humor. American Steel is an aggressive spectacle; my patriotic and poetic reexamination of America.




Bouquet (This Arrangement No Longer Works For Us)


trumpence john bisbee

Trumpet Text (wall), The Trumpet (right)

the trumpet, john bisbee, nail, sculpture

The Trumpet (detail)

american bits, the trumpet, bisbee, john, nails, art, sculpture

The Trumpet (left), American Bits (wall)

american bits, cmca, american steel, bisbee, john, nails, art, sculpture

American Bits

cmca, american steel, bisbee, john, nails, art, sculpture

American Bits (detail)


ozymandias, viper, pillars, political art, cmca, american steel, bisbee, john, nails, art, sculpture

Viper and Pillars

ozymandias, viper, pillars, american steel, bisbee, john, cmca, nails, art, sculpture, political art

Viper and Pillars (detail)

fruit of my roots, ozymandias, american steel, bisbee, john, cmca, nails, art, sculpture, political art

Fruit of my Roots

fruit of my roots, ozymandias, american steel, bisbee, john, cmca, nails, art, sculpture, political art

Fruit of my Roots (detail)


dream on, barbed wire, migration case, merican steel, bisbee, john, cmca, nails, art, sculpture, political art

Dream On (wall installation)

dream on, barbed wire, migration case, merican steel, bisbee, john, cmca, nails, art, sculpture, political art
dream on, barbed wire, migration case, merican steel, bisbee, john, cmca, nails, art, sculpture, political art

Dream On (details)

dream on, barbed wire, migration case, merican steel, bisbee, john, cmca, nails, art, sculpture, political art

Stanchions (Departing Embrace)

dream on, barbed wire, migration case, merican steel, bisbee, john, cmca, nails, art, sculpture, political art

Migration Case (detail)

dream on, barbed wire, migration case, merican steel, bisbee, john, cmca, nails, art, sculpture, political art

American Bits (detail)

Migration Case 


tubboat, bouqet, stool, pistol, grackle, chains, bear, american steel, bisbee, john, cmca, nails, art, sculpture, political art

American Steel (installation)

tubboat, bouqet, stool, pistol, grackle, chains, bear, american steel, bisbee, john, cmca, nails, art, sculpture, political art

Bouquet (This Arrangement No Longer Works For Us)

tubboat, bouqet, stool, pistol, grackle, chains, bear, american steel, bisbee, john, cmca, nails, art, sculpture, political art

Putin (Bear Witness To This Circus Dance)

tubboat, bouqet, stool, pistol, grackle, chains, bear, american steel, bisbee, john, cmca, nails, art, sculpture, political art


tubboat, bouqet, stool, pistol, grackle, chains, bear, american steel, bisbee, john, cmca, nails, art, sculpture, political art

Tubboat (detail)

tubboat, bouqet, stool, pistol, grackle, chains, bear, american steel, bisbee, john, cmca, nails, art, sculpture, political art

Bucket, Chain, Stanchions (Standing and Falling), Oysters, Lock, Swords, Pistols, Grackles, Bracelets, Pliers, Coins ​

tubboat, bouqet, stool, pistol, grackle, chains, bear, american steel, bisbee, john, cmca, nails, art, sculpture, political art

Stool with Pliers, Clamp, and Coins

tubboat, bouqet, stool, pistol, grackle, chains, bear, american steel, bisbee, john, cmca, nails, art, sculpture, political art

Iron with Chains

tubboat, bouqet, stool, pistol, grackle, chains, bear, american steel, bisbee, john, cmca, nails, art, sculpture, political art
tubboat, bouqet, stool, pistol, grackle, chains, bear, american steel, bisbee, john, cmca, nails, art, sculpture, political art

Grackle with Pistol

tubboat, bouqet, stool, pistol, grackle, chains, bear, american steel, bisbee, john, cmca, nails, art, sculpture, political art

Pliers with Chain, Lock with Chain

tubboat, bouqet, stool, pistol, grackle, chains, bear, american steel, bisbee, john, cmca, nails, art, sculpture, political art


tubboat, bouqet, stool, pistol, grackle, chains, bear, american steel, bisbee, john, cmca, nails, art, sculpture, political art

Hammer with Chain

tubboat, bouqet, stool, pistol, grackle, chains, bear, american steel, bisbee, john, cmca, nails, art, sculpture, political art

Oyster with Arrow

Photography by Andrew Estey

Design by Maeve O'Regan

John Bisbee Sculpture Sculptor Artist Nails Maine. John Bisbee Sculpture Sculptor Artist Nails Maine. John Bisbee Sculpture Sculptor Artist Nails Maine. John Bisbee Sculpture Sculptor Artist Nails Maine. John Bisbee Sculpture Sculptor Artist Nails Maine. John Bisbee Sculpture Sculptor Artist Nails Maine. John Bisbee Sculpture Sculptor Artist Nails Maine. John Bisbee Sculpture Sculptor Artist Nails Maine. John Bisbee Sculpture Sculptor Artist Nails Maine. John Bisbee Sculpture Sculptor Artist Nails Maine. John Bisbee Sculpture Sculptor Artist Nails Maine. John Bisbee Sculpture Sculptor Artist Nails Maine. John Bisbee Sculpture Sculptor Artist Nails Maine. John Bisbee Sculpture Sculptor Artist Nails Maine. 

John Bisbee Sculpture Sculptor Artist Nails Maine. John Bisbee Sculpture Sculptor Artist Nails Maine. John Bisbee Sculpture Sculptor Artist Nails Maine. John Bisbee Sculpture Sculptor Artist Nails Maine. John Bisbee Sculpture Sculptor Artist Nails Maine. John Bisbee Sculpture Sculptor Artist Nails Maine. John Bisbee Sculpture Sculptor Artist Nails Maine. John Bisbee Sculpture Sculptor Artist Nails Maine. John Bisbee Sculpture Sculptor Artist Nails Maine. John Bisbee Sculpture Sculptor Artist Nails Maine. John Bisbee Sculpture Sculptor Artist Nails Maine. John Bisbee Sculpture Sculptor Artist Nails Maine. John Bisbee Sculpture Sculptor Artist Nails Maine. John Bisbee Sculpture Sculptor Artist Nails Maine. 

© 2018 John Bisbee

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